Neighborhood art hives: Engaging communities in teaching and learning.

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The SAGE Sourcebook of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
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Timm-Bottos, J., Reilly, R.C.

La Ruche d’Art, a community art studio and science shop located in a working class neighborhood in Montreal, is open three days a week. The space operates as both a third place for the community and a third space storefront classroom, utilizing arts-based practices in the university course Community Art Studio: Methods and Materials (CATS 631/ARTE 398). This chapter documents how this unique space serves as a compelling site for community engaged service-learning (CESL). La Ruche attempts to respond to criticisms that service-learning can
reinforce the power and status of academics and professionals, disempowering local residents. La Ruche works at equalizing participation between community members and the academy in order to co-create and share knowledge. Voices of students collected during a research project are woven into this description to underscore these dynamics.

To cite this article:

Timm-Bottos, J., & Reilly, R. C. Neighborhood Art Hives: Engaging Communities in Teaching and Learning. The SAGE Sourcebook of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, 179–184.

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