Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Art Hive

Current status: 


Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
1 St Mary of Woods College
47876-1099 Saint Mary of the Woods , IN
Indiana US
Heures d'ouverture: 

On-campus residencies are at the beginning of every semester, which includes late July, early January and early June. 
The average length of the residency is between four and six days. 
The Art Hive opening hours will be posted by the students and by the faculty. 


Contact information: 

Kathy Gotshall

Assistant Professor of Art Therapy
Phone: (812) 535-5162


The Art Hive welcomes a colony of bees that includes faculty members, staff and Sisters of Providence. Each semester, students  volunteer to be in charge of the art hive when the students convene again on campus. The students  have included some alpaca wool in their art because the alpaca is a signature animal on campus and they connect the community in more than one way.

Funded by: 

Maria Riccardi, Kathy Gotshall and Lisa Hinz

Website designed and maintained by Percolab