Current status:
Ste Rose Regional Library
580 Central Avenue
R0L 1S0
Ste. Rose du Lac
, MB
Manitoba CA
In person
Heures d'ouverture:
Thursdays 1:30-5pm
Contact information:
Last updated:
Mercredi, Mars 1, 2023 - 00:00
The Ste. Rose Art Hive is located in Ste. Rose du Lac, a Manitoba town with a population of about 900 people. The hive is set up in the Arts and Culture Room at the Ste. Rose Regional Library every Thursday from 1:30-5pm. It welcomes the most participants after school from 3:30-5pm, with the majority of participants ages 10-13. The average attendance is around 15 people of all ages. The most popular activity in recent weeks has been using the blow dryer to dry art products!
Funded by:
The Ste. Rose Art Hive received some start up funding from the "Healthy Together Now" grant from Prairie Mountain Health Authority