West Island Art Hive

Current status: 


Lakeside Heights Baptist Church
275 Braebrook Ave.
H9R1W1 Pointe Claire , QC
Quebec CA
Heures d'ouverture: 

Every other Thursday 1:30 - 3:30 pm

Contact information: 

Nancy Norena: arthive@lakesideheights.org

Pastor Joshua Lee: pastorjoshualee@gmail.com 514-824-3090

What is it?
The West Island Art Hive is a community art studio that offers to the public an opportunity to create, connect and collaborate. It is a non-profit program that provides space and art supplies for people of all ages to come together and express themselves in various forms of art. It is based on the Art-Hive started in Montreal by Concordia Professor Janis Timm Bottos, and you can read more about it in the ABOUT section of this website. It is NOT an art-course and no instruction will be offered. It is instead an opportunity for children, teens, parents, grandparents, individuals and groups to spend the afternoon creating together, letting their imagination run free, in a welcoming environment that fosters community amongst artists of all ages and skill levels. There is NO fee associated with this activity, but people are welcome to donate, whether it’s unused art supply or any financial contributions (that will go towards buying necessary art supplies).

Given the 4th wave that we are in, we have decided in consultation with Art hive organizers and participants to re-open under a modified format.

When is it?

Re-Opening Thursday October 7th, 2021
Happening every other Thursday from 1:30 - 3:30 pm

Where is it?
In the fellowship hall, at Lakeside Heights Baptist Church at 275 Braebrook Ave. Pointe Claire H9R 1W1. For directions and map, see the church website here

Who is leading it?
This is program run by Lakeside Heights Baptist Church, under the leadership of Nancy Norena. As an art educator, Nancy loves to see people create and express themselves through art, and though she will not be giving lessons, she will welcome and help facilitate people to let their wild artiste side shine through!

Do I need to bring art supplies?
Nope, art supplies are provided! We have lots of brushes, paints, crayons, paper, beads, glue…etc. However, if you happen to have art supplies lying lonely and dormant and would like to find a new home for it, we will gladly help 

How much does it cost?
This is a free event. Yes, that’s right, no cost. We’ll even put on some coffee and tea, so come create, converse, laugh and enjoy.


Here's to a new season of being & creating together again.

Happy Autumn,

West Island Art Hive


Funded by: 

Lakeside Heights Baptist Church

Website designed and maintained by Percolab